Some of my sculptures are mounted on stainless steel rods. Click here to see how they can be installed using a simple precast concrete system buried below ground level - in a flowerbed or border.
They look well in such a situation – their precise geometry contrasts well with the natural forms of branches, foliage and flowers. These systems can also be used to install these sorts of sculptures in ponds, where an added bonus is the reflection of the sculpture in the water.
The concrete base systems are supplied free with the sculpture.
I can devise similar systems to install them into paving or to sit on top of a wall. Some of them do look better in such a situation.
I once had an enquiry from someone interested in my Möbius I sculpture. He said, “I’ve a mind to have it mounted on the broad flat coping stones of a wall in my garden. Would it be possible to arrange that it rotated very, very slowly? It would be wonderful on a cold wet, miserable winter’s day to be warm and dry inside and to look out and see it there framed in the window – and to always see a different aspect of it.” The idea had never occurred to me, but I thought it a brilliant one, so I told him so. I carried on, “It would probably be beyond me, but it wouldn’t be beyond a good blacksmith/engineer. I’ve worked with a few before and I’m sure we could manage it.” Sadly, he never went any further with the project, but I still think this an extraordinarily good idea, and thank him for it.
Möbius I